Research course
The course was comprised of 4 modules (Weekends)
Module 1:
Introduction to research (6th and 7th July)
Content: Introduction to research
Study designs and methodologies
Reference writing
Synopsis writing
Module 2:
Statistical analysis (13th and 14th July)
Content: Descriptive analysis
Inferential analysis
Correlation and regression
Cox regression
ROC analysis
Development of questionnaires and factor analysis
Module 3: Article writing and publication (20th-21st)
Content: Use of AI in research
How to remove plagiarism
How to write an article and publication tips and tricks
To elevate research journey, we have designed a research course to foster a thriving research culture and empower researchers to excel!
Whether you’re a seasoned academic or an aspiring scholar, this course has offered the tools, techniques, and mentorship to enhance research skills, explore innovative methodologies, and contribute meaningfully to your field.
Let’s build a stronger, more innovative research community together!
Module 4:
Writing an article (27th-28th July)
Content: Article writing (Letter to editors, observational studies, Randomized control trials, Systematic reviews and meta-analysis)
Crash Course on Using AI to transform Research and Manuscript Writing
Understanding AI’s capabilities and ethical limitations in research and writing
AI-powered workflow for boosting research productivity, from idea generation and formulating research questions to selecting an appropriate journal Steps to enhance your research workflow: brainstorming, literature search, data extraction creating structured outlines, manuscript formatting, pre-submission checks, and more
This workshop was a great learning for anyone serious about integrating AI tools effectively to improve their research, writing, reading and presentations .
Crash Course
This session covered essential areas, including:
Remember: AI will not replace humans, but those who harness it will undoubtedly stand out and replace those not using it.
1 Month Short Course
Mastering the Art of Research Article writing
Advancing physiotherapy through research and education.
Phyziodigital is an online platform with a goal to assists and support health professionals and students in refining their academic, research and practical skills.
Training and Workshops
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